Computing Displeasure

Pipex Taking Their Sweet Time

Here are the emails that have been exchanged between [Pipex][] and myself so far (automated responses excluded). Names have been replaced by initials.


> **Sent:** 14 September 2006 11:53
> **To:**
> Customer Services,
> I have a payment from my credit card to PIPEX INTERNET to the value of £35.19, dated 11 September 2006. This payment for such a high value is completely unexpected. I am concerned that it might not be legitimate, in which case I will have to phone my bank and cancel my cards. Please get back to me as soon as possible regarding this payment.

The reply came six days later.

> **Sent:** 22 September 2006 11:10
> **From:**
> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for your email
> This includes the zone alarm fee which has been charged in error, I have sent a request to my finance team who will have this refunded back to you, please allow 28 days
> I thank you in advance for your patience
> Kind regards
> SS
> Customer Services

All good. Three days later, I noticed another erroneous transaction on my account. The snowball starts to roll down the hill…

Displeasure Guidance Meander

How to obtain a Bankers Draft

1. Walk into the bank at 9:02 in the morning. Walk straight up to the enquiries desk, and tell the lad behind it (who, incidentally, is young enough to be your son) that you want to arrange a bankers draft to buy a house.
2. He will ask for ID. You give him your bank card and driving license. He disappears into the locked-down area, calling back over his shoulder “It will take about 15 minutes.”
3. Loiter.
4. A couple of minutes later, he will reappear with a form. Eventually you will manage to wrap your head round it, and fill it in. He disappears with the form again.
5. Loiter.
6. Twenty minutes later, he will reappear and give you back your ID. He will tell you that the system is just checking your signature, and it will take a couple of minutes. He disappears.
7. Loiter. Wish you had brought a book.
8. Twenty minutes later, he reappears with a slim brown envelope. He asks you to check it.
9. You check the amount carefully.
10. You are distinctly underwhelmed by this thing. It’s basically just a cheque without your signature on it. It appears that you are going to have to deliver this thing yourself. You ask, and lad confirms.
11. 9:45 – Anticlimax.


Argh Moving

Moving house isn’t so bad, really. However, what **is** laborious is sending your new address to your bank, the [DVLA][], your [ISP][], gas provider, electricity provider, the [SLC][], the [AA][], [NSI][], the council, and [mobile phone provider][], your car insurance company, and some others which I am sure that I have forgotten.

[mobile phone provider]:

Oh, and updating your will.

Computing Displeasure


I’m having doubts about the competence of the programmers at Google.

As you are probably aware, GMail is a free service, so this isn’t going to be an angry rant about how they’ve let me down blah blah blah. Rather, it’s an observation based upon how they’ve handled a particular query of mine.

A lot of the time, when I’m not feeling in the mood for AJAX, I use the “Basic HTML” view. A few months ago, I noticed that if you configured a different default “from” address, the Basic HTML mode would not pick up on this, and it would continue to use the default address.

So I sent a little message to the GMail team, not so much a bug report as a suggestion for an improvement.

A few weeks later I remembered this incident, so I set up a little test to see if they had implemented my suggestion. However, I was getting inconsistent results. I probed a little deeper and found that if you clicked on the “reply” link then it appeared that the change had been made, but if you dared to use the “Quick Reply” feature, it still used the defaults. To illustrate, the standard Reply field sent emails as:

> Pete <>

…and the Quick Reply sent emails as:

> Pete <>

This was my first alarm bell. The initial state of affairs could easily have been an oversight during development, but this new observation suggested to me that there was insufficient abstraction in the replying mechanism. Rather than having one supreme “reply” function, with the two possible reply methods hooking into it at different places, it looked like the “Quick Reply” and the standard “Reply” were both using totally different functions, which is why it was possible to fix a bug in one of them but not the other. Generally, and specifically in this scenario, a bad thing.

So I sent another message to the GMail team detailing the new situation, and in the meantime I accustomed myself to avoiding the “Quick Reply” box.

Another few weeks have passed since then, so I ran my little test again. They’ve partly fixed it. The “Quick Reply” box now uses the specified default email address, which is good, but it doesn’t use the specified default “from” name. To illustrate, the standard Reply field still sends emails as:

> Pete <>

…and the Quick Reply now sends emails as:

> <>

Two observations. Firstly, there’s still no abstraction of the replying mechanism, which doesn’t really surprise me. But secondly, this kind of oversight is characteristic of someone who is (a) drunk, (b) habitually slapdash or (c) inexperienced as a programmer.

I’ve been led to believe that Google only hire talented, experienced programmers. What gives?

*UPDATE: It’s now fixed.*

Blogging Displeasure

Registering Disapproval At Yet Another Blogging Terms Glossary


*Posted [here][] – Naturally the moderator refused it. Though ostensibly for fighting spam, moderation is also very handy for suppressing criticism.*



As you’ll see, we’ve made quite a few changes

I received a letter from my bank yesterday. They send me lots of letters, often containing leaflets with changes to my terms and conditions. These leaflets are too dull to read, which I am sure is intentional. By now, I wouldn’t be surprised if my bank have a legal claim to my left testicle under the terms and conditions of my current account.

Leaflet extract here we go:

> We have recently completed a review of the features and benefits we provide to our customers. Following this review, we have made two changes to the services we provide you.

> **We will no longer be offering you Airmiles**

> […]

> For more information, please see ‘Your Questions Answered’ overleaf.

I briefly paused, to prepare my questions. *Are you, or are you not, utterly selfish bastards?* was one, and *Did some focus group tell you that your customers wished for less from their credit card account?* and *Is this personal, or is this some big fuck you to all your current customers?*

I turned over. These are the questions that they had anticipated:

1. **What do I have to do?** *Well, duh – stand still while we take the piss. Not hard, is it?*
2. **When does the change take effect?** *Check your Terms and Conditions – we’ve backdated it by three years. Hahahahahah.*
3. **Do I lose the Airmiles I have collected with my Card?** *Well, if you consult your Terms and Conditions, you’ll see that we’re doing you a great favour by allowing you to hold onto them. Yes, you may touch me.*
4. **Will I still hold an AIRMILES account?** *Why the hell did you just capitalise that, all of a sudden? Never mind, uh, yeah, for what it’s worth. Like you care.*
5. **Where can I continue to collect Airmiles?** *Up your bum, second shelf on the right.*

Oh, but wait. It gets better. In the post this morning, an oversized yellow envelope. I unwrap it…

> **We’ve made some great changes to AIRMILES.**

> Welcome to the new-look AIRMILES. As you’ll see, we’ve made quite a few changes.

You can’t make this shit up.

Ironically enough, my balance of 550 airmiles is just about enough to get me a return flight to Budapest.


The Evolution of a Language

Howdy there, pardners.

Seeing as y’all did such a dang good job of myoo-tilatin’ that thar English lang-yoo-age, we’re a-gonna implement a few more li’l changes in the style of them that we’ve already done.


Since no-one seemed to bat an eyelid with the whole *Fall* thing, we’re gonna proceed with the original plan. As of now, you’ll refer to the other three seasons as *Snow*, *Flowers* and *Sun*. Yeeha.


Having done the whole *Pants* thing, I feel we’ve got to keep them thar dang British English speakers on their toes, y’hear? As of now, you’ll obey the following:

1. A *shirt* is now that thing that you wear on your feet to keep your toes warm.
2. A *bracelet* is one of those things that you punch through your earlobe to make you look purdy.
3. A *cummerbund* is that thing what motorcyclists wear to stop their brains getting all smashed up when they hit the ass-phalt.
4. A *shoe* is that little strip of floss what strippers wear to make themselves look purdy.

Failing to observe the above will mean you are un-American. You ain’t un-American, are you, pardner? No, I thought as not. Yeeha.


Despite some initial resistance, we’ve succeeded in sneaking those pesky letter ‘u’ characters out of such words as *color*, *honor* and *flavor*. However, we’ve now got a big pile of ‘u’ characters stored up in a warehouse in Detroit, and they’re starting to smell strange. To clear the stockpile, we’ve gotta put them back in. To speed up the process, we recommend y’all throw in a few extras too. So, you can spell it *coluour*, *coluuuuuour* or *ucuuuuuoluuuuuuuouuuuur* – all these will be accepted. Yeeha.


Continuing the vein of naming places after what they sell (I mean, what in the hell is a pharmacy supposed to be? Sheeat.) we’re a-gonna do some more of that there changing. So a bank is now a moneystore, a theatre is an actorstore, a butcher is a meatstore, and a train station is now a trainridestore.


*Disclaimer: some of my best friends are American. And yes, I’m aware of the fact that [Americans didn’t invent Fall](*

Displeasure Music

Tale Of Pod

Apple Will Eat Itself

AWEI by Craig Ward used with permission.

*AKA Waiting For Podot (groan)*

Karen has a pink iPod Mini, and it’s given us problems. Periodically, it will suffer from a major identity crisis, and believe that it is a fish. Or a banana. We’re not exactly sure what it thinks that it is, but it is definitely under the impression that it belongs to a species that does not possess the ability to play music.

This came on gradually. Initial symptoms were a kind of iPod amnesia, where it was still aware of its purpose in life, but it couldn’t remember any of the songs that it had been taught. We discovered an arcane magic spell that we could work on it, a kind of vulcan nerve pinch, that was the metaphorical cartoon sledgehammer required to remind it of its past.

This then degenerated into an iComa, where even long periods on a life support machine were insufficient to awaken it. No light came from its precious little screen. So we sent it back to Apple, the iGod, if you will.

It was returned a few days later. They said that there was nothing wrong with it. However, when I slapped it in the face to rouse it, the face that looked back at me was blank. Sure, it lived in the same body, but they had done something to the little fella to change it forever. Some demonic brainwash or the like. We painstakingly began the process of teaching it everything about the world all over again.

But it did not last. Only a few weeks have passed, and it is comatose once more. I await a response from the iGod. I grow iRate. It wasn’t mean to be this way.


What we could do with is a spot of discipline

We need to formalise something. You, me, and the rest of the world.

Okay, so we’ve got Christmas. That’s all well and good – there’s the present-giving, and the Pagan roots, and let’s be generous and say that it runs from the 24th to the 26th, and let’s tie a little bow round that and put it to one side.

And then we’ve got New Year’s, and that runs from the 31st December to the 1st January, being, as it is, comprised of “New Year’s Eve” and “New Year’s Day”.

But for some reason, that’s not enough for us, and they are so close together that we have a tendency to adopt that mentality that one gets when one is ten minutes away from close of business, where you think “well, that’s not long enough to do anything worthwhile in. I’ll just kill time for a bit.”

Take, for example, my local gym and swimnasium. For some reason, they’ve plucked some random opening times out of their arses, printed them out on a piece of paper and slapped it up on the door, and considered that to be a suitable solution. At any other time of the year, it would not be tolerated if a business spent a week opening and closing at peculiar times.

So here’s what I propose. We need to close the gap to something a bit more workable.

Option 1

Scoop up all the National Holidays from the rest of the year and use them to fill in the space between the 26th and 31st December, like a kind of solar grout. Everywhere is closed, and if you didn’t stock up properly on lentils and other pulses, you’re fucked.

Option 2

Shunt Christmas a bit later, and New Years a bit earlier. I know it sounds madness to interfere with tradition, but why not? We all accept that we don’t know exactly when Jesus was crucified, other than “it was a Friday” so we move Easter around within a 4-week period. But for some reason, our knowledge that Jesus was probably born sometime in March means that we have to celebrate his birth on the 25th December?

In fact, I’m going to set the ball rolling on this one. I’m going to stop celebrating my birthday on the xth of August, and instead celebrate it sometime between the 1st and 5th of May. Let’s see if Jesus can follow suit.

Option 3

Change the calendar. If all 12 months had 27 days, then we could have Christmas on the 25th, Boxing Day on the 26th, New Year’s Eve on the 27th and then New Year’s Day on the 1st January. The only downside to this is that 12 months at 27 days each only gives us 324 days, so we’d need to add a new month, called Plongbrambler, with 41 days in it. February would then have 28 days in Leap Years.

Anyone with an existing birthday on the 28th to 31st of the Month would then get to choose a random day in Plongbrambler to celebrate their birthday on. Plongbrambler would be slotted in somewhere in summer, so that we can all go off on our summer holidays and not be forced to buy presents for those annoying gits with birthdays in Plongbrambler.

Option 4

Stop slacking. You’ve got two holidays on that side, and one holiday on the other. Who the hell do you think you are, you lazy sod, shirking your duties and expecting someone else to foot the bill (or, in my case, walk all the way round to the gym only to find it in darkness, and subsequently have to walk straight back again)?

Holidays are great. Holiday Seasons make me want to stub a cigarette out in a squirrel’s face.


Dumbass phones

A year ago I got a Sony Ericsson T610 (what, you want a link? Go and search Google for yourselves, I’m too busy ranting) to replace a Siemens C35i which I had owned for years. I was pretty happy with it. I didn’t have any problems learning to use it, and initially my only gripe was that it was damn slow compared to the old phone. I didn’t let this bother me too much as I knew that it was not a problem with that particular model of phone, but just the expected consequence of cramming more and more bells, whistles and gongs onto what was once a really basic concept, namely “the telephone”.

Then I went and spent £30 on a USB cable and some software to jack it into the PC, downloaded all the photographs that I’d taken, and realised that they actually looked quite crummy. After a little experimentation I established that it was partly due to a poor resolution of about 350×280 pixels, and partly due to a very small and weak lens.

As my contract approached 12 months of age, I phoned my provider and put the squeeze on them to give me a free upgrade. They offered me the Sharp GX15. I did a little quick research, discovered that it seemed to be exactly the same phone, but with camera resolution up to 640×480. Worth a try, I thought.

So, where are we so far? I’m upgrading my phone purely on the basis that the new one may have a better camera. We’re nearly there, people.

So the new phone arrives, and I put my SIM card in it, and I charge the battery, and I realise that I forgot to copy my phone numbers from the old phone to the SIM card, so I swap the SIM back, do the copy, swap the SIM again, and copy the numbers to the new phone.

And then I put it into camera mode and press the button to take a snap.

The phone emitted a deafening synth-shutter sound, causing birds to take flight outside the window.

So I went into the menus to find out how to turn down the volume of the synth-shutter sound to a level which was less likely to result in structural damage to my office. Ideally, the same level as the subtle, though still naff, synth-shutter sound which the T610 used to use.

I can’t find this option. I can only assume that Sharp have gone all vigilante and decided to do something about the problem of people taking camera phones into showers and brothels and taking photos of those in attendance without their permission.

Management: *So, this whole shower and brothel thing then. What can we do about it?*

Tech: *Well, the phone could make a noise that can’t be turned off by the user.*

Management: *Good, good. What sort of range does the camera have?*

Tech: *I guess you could make out a nipple at twenty metres.*

Management: *Right, so people who are twenty metres away have to be able to hear it too. Could the user possibly cover the speaker?*

Tech: *I guess they could…*

Management: *Right, so the sound has to be loud enough to penetrate a centimetre of bone and flesh, yet still be audible twenty metres away.*

Tech: *But sir, that would mean that the sound would be deafening to someone stood twelve inches away if the speaker **wasn’t** covered.*

Management: *What are you, some kinda wooly minded liberal?*

Tech: *No, sir. Long live Maggie Thatcher.*

Management: *That’s more like it.*

Reader: *Does Pete have a point?*

Pete: *Yes, I do. I mean…*

Yes, I do. I didn’t take many photos with the old camera, because the quality was crap. Now that I have a phone with a better camera, I’m still not going to take many photos, because I can’t do it if anyone is in the same room for fear of them thinking that I’m one of those people who thinks it is still the mid-80s and keeps their phone (and their voice) on maximum volume, to ensure that everyone else in the vicinity knows that they have one of these fantastical new-fangled mobile cellular telephone gadgets.

That’s just not the way that I work. I’ve always been very conscious of the noise pollution caused by mobile phones and the use of them, and have always practised the utmost discretion.

Which, in this case, means not taking photos.

As a closing request, if anyone out there has a GX15 or similar Sharp model and knows how to turn down the volume of the shutter sound, obviously I’d appreciate your feedback. Comment below or click the fantastical magical “contact” link at the top of the page to email me directly. Ta.

*Originally posted here*