Blogging Displeasure

Registering Disapproval At Yet Another Blogging Terms Glossary


*Posted [here][] – Naturally the moderator refused it. Though ostensibly for fighting spam, moderation is also very handy for suppressing criticism.*


9 replies on “Registering Disapproval At Yet Another Blogging Terms Glossary”

Frankly, I think this is the worst post I have… Hey…get your hands off…

this comment has been edited by The Man, 13.03pm

The trackback seems to have made it through! Hurrah!

I don’t like the word “blog” or any of its derivatives either, but I find that terms like “online journal” are too cumbersome.

Terms like “blogosphere” and “blogstipation” deserve to be taken out, shot, mulched, incinerated and finally buried deep underground where they can’t bother anyone for 10,000 years.

See, the thing is, none of these words are actually required. No other field, except computing and the internets, sees people rushing around with hands in the air screaming “we NEED a shortened way of saying female blogger, otherwise…well…FUCK KNOWS!”

You don’t get botanists striding around, tugging their moustaches, announcing breathlessly that from now on, green butterflies will be known as grutterflies, because we’re all such on the bleeding edge that we don’t have time to write both an adjective AND a noun.

Their self-satisfaction that they’re using modern technology is as baffling as it is boring.

Incidentally, are we allowed to say “fuck” in these comments?

If not, er…a bigger weblogger wrote them and ran away.

You are positively endorsed to write “fuck” in these comments.

You’re right that none of these words are required. To me, it smacks of a bunch of introverts and outcasts suddenly discovering a way to be introverted and “sociable” at the same time. They are in a club, and all clubs need their code words, right?

One of the quickest ways to appear to be an expert in a certain field, is to invent a load of words. If no-one else understands you, then they generally end up thinking that you must just be smarter than them. It’s a textbook example of the Arbra-Spurway dichotomy, and a jolly wreplous one to boot.

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