But what happens if the light in the basement goes out?
12 replies on “Blink”
Then you must. It’s still available on the P2P networks.
Fantastic episode.
I wonder who’s paying for the electricity to power the light in the basement.
Brilliant episode. After that, I might start trying to watch it regularly.
That’s what I said ! (about the light in the basement; best ep probably still goes to Empty Child/Doctor Dances ; just)
And then the kids had nightmares and had to keep the lights on all night.
Of course, next morning it was all running round with hands over eyes and stuff
QE: Very rarely are episodes as good as that. If you start watching it regularly on the basis of last night’s episode, you might be disappointed.
Paul: Welcome to my site. *The Empty Child* was a good episode, but didn’t drop my jaw like *Blink* did. I left the light out last night, and did have some difficulty getting to sleep, I must confess.
Coming back to bed after resettling the baby is currently a terrifying experience. I can’t wait until I have forgotten those statues’ faces.
Feel free to tuck yourself into my armpit for protection. I’ll understand.
I watched it again (without children asking many questions about time travel and other stuff) and I could quite possibly be turned into the possibility that this is the best one yet. Or maybe Girl in the Fireplace. Hang on, these are all Moffets. I loved Press Gang too.
We had a scared child this morning as the bathroom light went and flash on and off for a bit. I’m not sure I’ll let them watch it again for about 5 years (they still haven’t watched about 5 eps as I have censored them)
Which episodes have you censored?
I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but if you go to the BBC’s Doctor Who sub-site, you can obtain a fear rating for the forthcoming episode. It’s a very rough guideline, but anything that scores 5 or more is almost certainly going to make your kids brick themselves.
Let’s see from memory
Empty Child/Doctor Dances – those gas mask! (he’d probably be okay with this now) – Actually the whole of the first season I watched the ep live and we watched together the next morning.
Tooth and Claw – scary were-wolves ahoy!
Impossible Planet/Satan’s Pit – the devil ahoy!
Human Nature/Family of Blood – scary scarecrows but actually we were away on holiday and missed both eps
I knew about Fear Factor but totally forgot about it this series. I note that Blink got a 5.5 out of 5! I feel a bit bad now and sure they were scared a bit
but then again they really liked it and have not had nightmares about it.
12 replies on “Blink”
Then you must. It’s still available on the P2P networks.
Fantastic episode.
I wonder who’s paying for the electricity to power the light in the basement.
Brilliant episode. After that, I might start trying to watch it regularly.
That’s what I said ! (about the light in the basement; best ep probably still goes to Empty Child/Doctor Dances ; just)
And then the kids had nightmares and had to keep the lights on all night.
Of course, next morning it was all running round with hands over eyes and stuff
QE: Very rarely are episodes as good as that. If you start watching it regularly on the basis of last night’s episode, you might be disappointed.
Paul: Welcome to my site. *The Empty Child* was a good episode, but didn’t drop my jaw like *Blink* did. I left the light out last night, and did have some difficulty getting to sleep, I must confess.
Coming back to bed after resettling the baby is currently a terrifying experience. I can’t wait until I have forgotten those statues’ faces.
Feel free to tuck yourself into my armpit for protection. I’ll understand.
I watched it again (without children asking many questions about time travel and other stuff) and I could quite possibly be turned into the possibility that this is the best one yet. Or maybe Girl in the Fireplace. Hang on, these are all Moffets. I loved Press Gang too.
We had a scared child this morning as the bathroom light went and flash on and off for a bit. I’m not sure I’ll let them watch it again for about 5 years (they still haven’t watched about 5 eps as I have censored them)
Which episodes have you censored?
I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but if you go to the BBC’s Doctor Who sub-site, you can obtain a fear rating for the forthcoming episode. It’s a very rough guideline, but anything that scores 5 or more is almost certainly going to make your kids brick themselves.
Let’s see from memory
Empty Child/Doctor Dances – those gas mask! (he’d probably be okay with this now) – Actually the whole of the first season I watched the ep live and we watched together the next morning.
Tooth and Claw – scary were-wolves ahoy!
Impossible Planet/Satan’s Pit – the devil ahoy!
Human Nature/Family of Blood – scary scarecrows but actually we were away on holiday and missed both eps
I knew about Fear Factor but totally forgot about it this series. I note that Blink got a 5.5 out of 5! I feel a bit bad now and sure they were scared a bit
but then again they really liked it and have not had nightmares about it.