Music Stunt 2009

Blog Stunt

Back in late 2007 (and early 2008) Karen and I did a blog stunt where we would both write posts on the same subject, and publish them simultaneously.

Just now, Karen and I were talking about how back in 2005 we listened to a lot of music, which was partly because we went to Reading that year. She mentioned how it would be nice to have a similar motivating force this year.

“Maybe this is the answer.” I said, holding aloft the copy of The Rough Guide book of Playlists that her dad bought me for Christmas.

And that gave me an idea for the Rise/Goo Blog Stunt 2009. Once a week we will randomly select a playlist from the book in question, spend a week listening to the specified 10 songs, and then write a few hundred words about it.

The book has 417 pages, so we will use a random number generator to select the page. If there is more than one playlist starting on that page then we will use a coin toss to select it.

This week’s playlist

Random number: 152
Playlists: Goth (Head), Grateful Dead (Tails)
Coin: Tails

Grateful Dead it is. The book says:

> From spaced-out acid rock to mellow Americana, Grateful Dead covered the whole musical waterfront until the untimely death of their leader Jerry Garcia in 1995.

2 replies on “Blog Stunt”

Anthony Bourdain is one of their greatest fans. He claims to have the Dead playing constantly in the kitchen. This may explain his predeliction for eating dead animals, particularly the bits of animals that make people say “ewwww!”.

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