
Bernard:English Dictionary

While on holiday last week, I had the idea of composing a Bernard-to-English dictionary. With these useful hints, you too might be able to hold a conversation with him.

Bernard English
ack-tutta helicopter
bapple apple (and, indeed, most other fruit)
bappy happy
bigduddle big cuddle
bobot robot
boobar rhubarb
buttflyer butterfly
buch (with a German-sounding ‘ch’) bus
ceeeeereal cereal
dack-doo cock-a-doodle-doo
jamb jam/chutney
man-boat canoe
man-song The Grand Old Duke Of York (song)
oh-day okay
puh-puh puzzle/jigsaw
sish (with a soft ‘s’) fish
tick-tock peacock
tractor? play tractor? play train? man? bike? play train? play man tractor? I would like to play some GTA San Andreas now please.

6 replies on “Bernard:English Dictionary”

I wish I’d thought of doing one of these for our kids. They seem to have become native English speakers now; although Maddie still calls a horse a see-saw for now apparent reason.

Funny you should mention that: Bernard calls horses “hee-haws” because, as far as he is concerned, they are indistinguishable from donkeys.

LOVELY! My son said dadd’n for button, and daughter said poodpows for woodlouse. Not standard kid words, I grant you, but they have broad horizons.

That reminds me: I’d get confused when Bernard referred to ants as “small people”. Eventually I figured it out – he was saying “small beetle”. How cool is that?

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