

Today I have been in the garden. I have:

* Mowed the lawn
* Fed the new lawn
* Weeded the onion patch
* Weeded one of the flower borders
* Chatted with the neighbours over the fence (see [here][])
* Taken everything out of the shed
* De-cobwebbed the shed ((I used to be terrified of spiders. This task would have been nigh-on impossible.))
* Put everything back into the shed neatly
* Put some more stuff into the shed as I suddenly discovered that I had created loads of space.
* Put [Nippon][] on three ant nests.
* Loitered a bit.

Now for a quick shower, and then off to [Mothercare][].


3 replies on “Weedlog”

“Put some more stuff into the shed as I suddenly discovered that I had created loads of space.”

Aren’t sheds (pre-)fab? I am considering exactly the same treat for myself sometime later this week.

Heck yes. I went into the shed just now (typing this on the laptop in the garden, you see) and had a little moment where I stood and contemplated for a while; contemplated my nice tidy shed.

I like the awkwardness of having all these things out on the lawn temporarily too. The rake and spade and fork and bottles of chemicals and shears and paint and extension leads all look so uncomfortable on the grass, like they are Star Trek fans at a hip night club, standing in the corner nursing their drinks and waiting for gorgeous girls to come over and flirt with them.

Wow. I think.. yes I’m pretty sure in fact… that’s definitely the first ever description of ‘shed items on grass’ I’ve ever read…

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