IAMOWIM Meander Music

Pete vs Brain Cells

It is very very late on a Tuesday night. Karen and I are lying in bed, in the dark. [Yellowphant][] is dozing, but he is the only one.


Karen: *I’m hungry.*

Me: *Hey, me too!*

Karen: *Let’s eat!*

We leapt out of bed and dashed down to the kitchen.

Karen: *What shall we have?*

Me: *What have we got?*

Karen: *Jam!*

Me: *Yay!*

Karen sliced up some bread while I grabbed the margarine and jam from the fridge. We formed a small production line, where I margarined the bread and Karen jammed it. This was all just too exciting.

Me: *I’ve got an [earworm][]. Made Up Lovesong #43 from [From The Cliffs][]. I have to listen to it. The way I see it, we’ve got two options.*

[from the cliffs]:

Karen: *Which are?*

Me: *I can either go out to the car in my pyjamas and slippers to get the CD, or I can turn your computer on temporarily.*

Karen: *Go and turn my computer on. I’ll finish up spreading this jam and I’ll be right up.*

Me: *Yay!*

At this point, things went a little downhill. I was so incredibly insanely excited at this point, that I skipped through the kitchen towards the stairs. Skipping in itself isn’t dangerous, but when you are over 6′ tall, you should look out for doorways.

The doorframe came down squarely on the top of my head. I heard a disturbing little ring, like someone had struck a very small bell inside my skull.

Me: *Ow. Ow. Actually, it doesn’t hurt yet, but it will when the shock wears off, so I’m investing my ows up front.*

Karen equipped me with a small ice pack while I clutched at the top of my head, moaning. But then I had jam and a very good Guillemots song to listen to on repeat, so life didn’t seem quite so bad anymore.

Karen: *I was very worried when you started owing. I thought you’d broken your foot again.*

We then took this opportunity to reminisce about some of my greater illnesses and maladies over the last few years, some of which are documented [on this site][] in a most interesting way, some of which are not ((including the terrifically uncomfortable toe-stubbing incident and the fantastically gory wisdom tooth extraction)).

[on this site]:

This morning, the top of my head felt a little sore in the shower, but I don’t seem to have developed the phenomenal lump that seemed inevitable. Thanks heavens for ice packs, eh?

8 replies on “Pete vs Brain Cells”

Mmmm… Jam…

Jam should come with a health warning ‘WARNING! -May cause excessive excitement’.

I love Jam. With Peanut Butter. On toast. Mmmm… Jam…

Careful, you may end up peaking. After all you’ll need to discuss which type of peanut butter to get, smooth or crunchy?

And which type of jam is best?

And do you use marg AND peanut butter AND jam?

And… oh no… it’s no good. I need a lie-down…

When it comes to peanut butter, it has to be organic and crunchy. Just peanuts and oil. No sugar. Whole Earth is good.

Oh, and it has to be toast that’s just golden, and Lurpack slightly salted butter *then* peanut butter, spread thickly.


In fact, Whole Earth is very good. When you have a peanut butter without any additives such at that, it’s ridiculously healthy for you.

You want to lose weight and tone those abs, don’t you soldier?


Pix/Gordon/Dr S, there is only one combo I have found satisfactory.

Johnston, Mooney and O’Brien (and Irish read-maker) ‘Nutty Toast’ bread, toasted until golden brown, spread with Kerrygold real butter, Meridian Organic Crunchy Peanut Butter (contains nothing but roasted peanuts), and Bon Mamon imported French strawberry jam.

If anyone has any other opinions/versions, you are wrong.

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