
More Dragons

Some dragons that I’ve produced over recent weeks.

Could be a chicken

This fella is definitely related to a chicken in some way. I would not dare speculate on what that exact relation may be, for it would be to leave myself open to allegations of libel.

Slightly rabbit inspired

The caption reads “I wasn’t always this lazy a conversationalist.” It has nothing to do with the drawing, it just happened to be very nearby on the page.

The drawing itself appears to be of a somewhat spaced-out rabbit-dragon, with a carrot conveniently placed to avoid me the task of having to draw his hind legs. It was sketched during a frenzy of rabbit-dragon hybrid-drawing, as you will see below.


This dragon (above) is not a very likeable chap at all.

There was an old dragon called Gerald,
Whose insults would leave thee in peril,
He wore a top hat,
And badgered a cat,
And did something else that rhymes with Gerald.

Not my greatest work of art, I’ll agree.


There was a foul dragon,
Who lived in a hutch,
He ate lots of carrots,
And argued too much.

One reply on “More Dragons”

[…] But for some crazy reason, while he was stood at my door, I didn’t really make much in the way of charming conversation. It would have been a fine time to say “Got any exciting plans for tonight? Fancy a beer sometime?” but I didn’t. No idea why not. I could come up with a million possible reasons, but I anticipate that a contributing factor is that Steve and his significant other (whose name I probably once knew, but have forgotten) are not particularly forthcoming either, which gives me little to bounce off of. I am also a much more lazy conversationalist than I used to be, as I have mentioned before. […]

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