Beer Reviews Photos

Beer Review: Farmers Harvest

*Karen’s mum got me 6 bottles of beer for Christmas. I’m going to review them all. If I remember.*

**Beer:** Farmers Harvest
**Brewery:** Purity
**Strength:** 4.8%

Farmers Harvest

Not a bad drink, not bad at all. A fairly dark ale, and very malty, if you like that sort of thing. The end of the glass came too soon – I felt that if I had another bottle, I’d be able to review it with a bit more certainty. Flavour-wise, I felt that it wasn’t entirely my cup of tea, but the most important thing about this beer is the ideology.

> The beer is unique because it will be the first alcoholic beverage to carry the Red Tractor assurance mark, which signifies that the ale has been brewed in the UK using malt and hops produced to high standards on farm and checked by independent inspections.

Farmers Harvest gets: 1