
I owe you an explanation

There are a wealth of good reasons why I have not been around here much lately, and I really do owe you all an explanation. Once there was a farmer who worked the land. He had three sons, called Aaron, Bbron and Ccron. As he grew old, he decided that he would need to work […]

Ewan Food Guidance

Cook With Ewan – Fried Misc

I received a lot of feedback to the CheeseOnToast++, and most people said “Wow. You must be the most goddamn sexy shark ever to grace the Internet!” And to those people, my devoted fans, I send kisses and words of lust. I want to hump you all. Some other people said that I had managed […]


Blue Smoke – A Short Play

Scene: INTThis means “interior”, for all you idiots out there silver Honda S2000 sports car. The roof is down. PETE is in the passenger seat and HIS BOSS is driving. The car is stationary at some traffic lights. PETE sees some blue smoke coming from somewhere down by the side of the car. HIS BOSS: […]

DIY Guidance

How To Paint A Bit Of A Car (Part 1)

Firstly, you are going to need to buy your paint. You will need to know what colour paint you need, and what colour primer. The shop should have a book with all the different combinations in it. Look up your make, model and year, and the manufacturer’s colour (which should be imprinted somewhere on your […]