Meander Photos

Bulbs. Not the garden sort.

Headlight bulbOn Wednesday night I noticed that one of my headlights wasn’t working. Curiously, it was the bulb that I had changed only about six months ago that had given up the ghost.

So I went to Halfords yesterday and bought myself a replacement bulb (and a spare, but that is by the by). But my dreams of a swift and easy changeover were hampered somewhat by the fact that the bonnet wouldn’t open. As you can imagine, at this point I became a little stressed out. I had visions of myself having to submit the car to be crushed into a tiny cube, simply because the engine compartment was now an impenetrable fortress and there was no engine oil or windscreen washer fluid left.

Google is your friend – I found [this][]:


> Pull the lever and have your mate press down on the bonnet where the catch is. Worked on my Cav ((Vauxhall Cavalier)). I think the cable has stretched a bit. I made a temporary repair by putting a Scotchlock connector on the end of the release cable. (Temporary = 3 years ago and it still works well!)

Sure enough, it worked. Valuable tip there.

Which leaves me only with the question – why did the bulb only last for a few months?


Not Giving Up The Day Job

It’s very childish of me, but I’ve been gleaning an unhealthy amount of pleasure from [Karen][]’s situation in one particular way.


Being, as she is, nine minus epsilon months pregnant, if provoked to anything more than a slight giggle, the floodgates open and she tumbles down a painful and scrunch-faced slope to the valley of uncontrollable laughter. I don’t know whether it is because of hormones or some other factor, but that’s just the way it is.

I’ve been seeking to gain as much mileage as possible from this, by telling jokes that aren’t even particularly funny, just funny enough to cause the desired effect. After a certain amount of experience, you figure out where the relevant boundaries are.

And then, when she goes all red in the face and loses the ability to speak due to paralytic mirth, I do not find it hard to convince myself that I must be the funniest comedian in the world.

Which is nice, for a while.

Meander Parenting


Karen and I have chosen possibly the most inconvenient time imaginable to consider buying a house. But some things you can’t control, and you have to go with the flow.

A couple of major factors have precipitated this new project. The first is the size of our current house, which is a rented property and consumes more than a third of our joint net income. Though it is adequate at present, I think that when the baby gets old enough to need his own bedroom, it just isn’t going to work for us anymore. It’s also on a relatively busy road by a railway station, with lots of boy racers, shouters, drunkards, urinaters and vandals all through the night. I think I’ve lived here for long enough.

The second factor is a financial one. Whereas I was previously under the impression that making that first step onto the so-called “housing ladder” was out of my reach, I have recently reassessed and been pleasantly surprised by my findings. In the light of the deposit that Karen and I think we have at our disposal, research indicates that we stand a good chance of getting a mortgage that allows us to buy our dream house, with repayments that amount to less than our currently monthly expenditure on rent. We will be speaking to a financial adviser on Tuesday.

Last night we looked at a property in town which had good qualities, but not enough of them. Our initial gut response was a big “no” – we told the estate agent our specific reasons, for future reference. We then stopped off at a pub on our way home, where the introduction to my system of two pints of London Pride (and a lime & soda for her) caused us to attempt to talk ourselves into liking the property in question. Naturally, our self-awareness left us in no doubt that this was a natural response, and nothing to act upon. Sleep on it? Damn right. This morning, we were back to “no”.

So the task remains to find the dream home. A lofty target, but nothing less will do.


Thought For The Day

**When** driving along a busy main road and you encounter a stationary queue of cars coming from the opposite direction, created by someone who is waiting to turn right into a side street (across your bow), it **is** considered good manners to slow down, flash your lights ((yes, yes, technically illegal, I know)) and allow them to turn in front of you.

**However**, you should check your mirror first. Because if, against all odds, there is actually nobody behind you for, oooh, a hundred metres, you **will** think to yourself “Hmmm, I look like a **fool**.”

IAMOWIM Meander Music

Pete vs Brain Cells

It is very very late on a Tuesday night. Karen and I are lying in bed, in the dark. [Yellowphant][] is dozing, but he is the only one.


Karen: *I’m hungry.*

Me: *Hey, me too!*

Karen: *Let’s eat!*

We leapt out of bed and dashed down to the kitchen.

Karen: *What shall we have?*

Me: *What have we got?*

Karen: *Jam!*

Me: *Yay!*

Dragons Meander

Jakob… Wilhelm…

I had a great ideaStay tuned to find out what.

*”I’ve got an idea,”* said Nick. My idea would have to wait.

We were showing an awful performance in the pub quiz. Any chance of victory was long since gone, and we were now fighting to avoid last place. The number of questions to which we had absolutely no idea was too high for comfort, and we were doing our best to fill in these blanks with witty responses, hoping for a sympathy point or two from the quizmaster.

*”What’s a suitable name for a lion?”* said Nick.

This particular round was entitled *Mythical Beasts*, and we were struggling to remember the name of the beast with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the arse-end of a dragonFixed – thanks Karen.

*”Leo,”* somebody offered. Nick wrote this down on the answer sheet.

*”What’s a suitable name for a goat?”* he then asked. It was, by now, obvious where this was going to end up.

Billy and Nanny were both suggested. Nick appended the word *billy* to the answer.

*”What’s a…”*

*”PUFF!”* I interrupted, to make sure that nobody could cut me off with an inferior answer.

*Leobillypuff* soon stared back up at us from the page. I think that it was at this point that Karen began to collapse in uncontrollable laughter. Due to her special pregnant-woman emotional powers, this manifested itself not as tears of joy, but as tears of abject misery.

Murmurs crashed with hearty chortles and swung round the table – *”Not Nordic enough. Not mythical enough”*. A couple of deft strokes of the pen and the name became Leøbillypufför. Perfect. We all laughed so hard that we didn’t care about our appearance anymore, our faces screwed up into forms that would be ugly, were it not for the fact that genuinely happy people are unquestionably beautiful.

You’re probably wondering what happened to that great idea that I had before this whole debacle began. As it happened, it really was a truly great idea. I don’t know much about mythical beasts, but one thing that I do know for certain is that more than one [TVR][] model has been named after a mythical beast. Had I pursued this line of thought, it would only have been a matter of time until I’d been led to [the correct answer][] via the TVR Chimaera.

Ah well. So it goes.

[the correct answer]:


Bitten in the posterior by an abstraction

My New Years Resolutions are always stealthy buggers. They lie in hiding for a while, generally until late-January, and then BAM! They up and bite me in the posterior.

Here’s one: I’ve been living next door to these people for about two years now, and barely made contact. We’ve said hi a couple of times, and a few weeks back I went to the gym without my key, so they loaned me their mobile phone so that I could wake Karen up to let me in, and then yesterday they took delivery of a parcel for us.

Earlier this evening, the fella brought it round to drop it off, and I said hi, and I assured him that I was the person with the name on the parcel, and he said that his name was Steve. I already knew this… ish. Two years ago, we invited them round to our housewarming party. They politely declined, but we briefly had their names. Forgotten them since, it seems.

But for some crazy reason, while he was stood at my door, I didn’t really make much in the way of charming conversation. It would have been a fine time to say “Got any exciting plans for tonight? Fancy a beer sometime?” but I didn’t. No idea why not. I could come up with a million possible reasons, but I anticipate that a contributing factor is that Steve and his significant other (whose name I probably once knew, but have forgotten) are not particularly forthcoming either, which gives me little to bounce off of. I am also a much more lazy conversationalist than I used to be, as I have mentioned before.

Either way, we have a resolution. I resolve to make contact with Steve this year – to actually find out who the hell he is. It would be daft not to.


My Mighty Delete Key

Looking out of the window, it appears that the whole world is still on holiday. My car, and those of my co-workers, are alone in the car park which normally holds vehicles for half a dozen different companies.

Looking into my coffee, little white flecks of ugliness stare back at me, causing me to question exactly how long a life long-life milk is supposed to have. It possesses a slightly peculiar scent, but I try to show it that I am not scared.

A terrifying pile of email has been smote with my mighty delete key. I tidy the christmas detritus from my desk, and crack my metaphorical knuckles, poised to embark upon my tasks, in a very “last three working days of 2005” kind of way, whatever that may mean.

I take another sip of coffee, wince at the spiciness of the milk, and probe my brain to try and reawaken the memory of that exchange on Sunday where Nick and I decided what our New Years Resolutions were going to be. The curtain of beer outfoxes me yet again.


Worst sex ever

The title is slightly misleading, but you will admit that it is highly attention-grabbing. With a bit of luck, by the end of this tale you will understand the relevance.

Before I commence my divulsion of this marvellous tale, one that will amaze you like none that you have read before it, it is necessary that I give you some background information, an insight into my daily life that will be central to our story, though in a quite small way.

**The Preamble**

Karen and I maintain a collection of approximately twenty VHS video cassettes, purchased blank, which form our Dynamic Video Collection. They are labelled with small stickers containing a unique identifier (rather than adopting an overly complicated system, we decided that numbering them from 1 to 20 would probably be sufficient for our needs). Accompanying these number tapes is a narrow notebook. Each tape has a corresponding page in the book, which is used to record the name of the film(s) currently recorded on that tape. In the event that we like a film enough to keep it, the numbered sticker is removed from the tape, and replaced by a label containing the film title. This number will remain unallocated until the next shopping trip. You can probably see how the entire system results in hitherto unexperienced quantities of Pure Awesome.

**The Actual Story: Prologue**

On Wednesday, I think it was Wednesday, I was reading the back page of the newspaper at work. Oh look, I said to no-one in particular, my favourite film is on tonight. My favourite film in the world. What film is that said someone. I said Showgirls and we all guffawed like primates.

**The Actual Story: The Actual Story**

“Would you like to watch a film, darling?” my dear lady Karen asked me on Sunday afternoon.

“In a second, my love, my loaf, I am currently checking how my stocks are doing on the Internet, my love.” I replied.

“Smashing.” she said.

Not long after that I was downstairs, leafing through the book of films.

“Panic Room?” I said with gusto.

“Oooh, Panic Room” she said.

“Tape 1 then.” I said.

And she said “Oh. Were you actually enthusing, or just giving me the list?”

I said, “I’m just intending to read out all the titles with gusto, rather than drably reciting them to you as a dull monotone spectacular.”

I proceeded to read out all the titles with gusto. And then I got to the page corresponding to tape 13. I suppose we could call it page 13, though it probably isn’t precisely the 13th page, partly because nobody really has a standard definition as far as page numbering goes. Is the cover page 1? Or page 0? Or page -1?

“Holy fuck!” I said, or something like it. “Showgirls!”

Well, apparently I had actually set the tape for it, but I think I was just following instructions and hadn’t actually been told what I was recording.

“Is it good?” she said.

“Is it good?” I repeated back to her, in that way that people do when they are really winding up for a heartfelt enthuse.

“Not really” I said, “but it is the sort of film that you have to see. It’s essential.”

So we watched it.

Oh boy, what a film. The boobie count is magical. Some of the boobies are really nice, but I don’t fancy Elizabeth Berkeley’s much though. Had to watch the pool scene twice though. That moment where she falls backwards and flops around like a live fish on a chopping board just paralyses me with the giggles.

This is a real no-holds-barred classic. If there was an opportunity to put some obvious titillating moment in, the makers really went for it. Missed by a mile, of course. The fish-on-chopping-board scene is capable of undermining even the most “hardened” of viewers, if you get my drift.

So, in conclusion, lots of tits, zero plot, totally unarousing. The only entertainment value comes from the hilarity of watching such drivel.

Still, it’s essential viewing.

*Originally posted here*


This blows. I’m leaving.

This morning, on my drive into work, I saw a man on the pavement up ahead with a leaf blower. He was moving a big pile of leaves from the pavement into the road. Fed up of being treated as a second rate citizen by dint of being in a car, I ploughed through the pile of leaves at 60mph. In my rear view mirror, I saw a cloud of leaves descending around the leaf-blower operator’s head, and smirked to myself with the satisfaction of a job that had been well done.