It seems like I photograph the same flowers in the garden every year. Maybe one day I’ll have a different garden.
Author: pete
Today I have been in the garden. I have:
* Mowed the lawn
* Fed the new lawn
* Weeded the onion patch
* Weeded one of the flower borders
* Chatted with the neighbours over the fence (see [here][])
* Taken everything out of the shed
* De-cobwebbed the shed ((I used to be terrified of spiders. This task would have been nigh-on impossible.))
* Put everything back into the shed neatly
* Put some more stuff into the shed as I suddenly discovered that I had created loads of space.
* Put [Nippon][] on three ant nests.
* Loitered a bit.
Now for a quick shower, and then off to [Mothercare][].
I’ve Been Remiss
As I sat in the pub last night with a pint of London Pride and some other parents-to-be (whom Karen and I met through the local NCT ante-natal program), I realised that I’ve been terribly, terribly wasteful.
Since October, the composition of my life has been changing gradually but dramatically. I’ve been making preparations for the arrival of the baby, figuring out how it will fit into my life, looking forward to all the exciting experiences that we will share, learning how to support Karen through pregnancy and labour, making new friends at ante-natal classes, deflecting the attempts made by my boss to induce despair, deflecting surplus advice… all this and more, but would you know it by looking at this site?
Would you, boat.
I haven’t been writing in my offline diary much lately either. I guess I’ve been so busy *thinking* and *doing*, there hasn’t been much time left for *recording*.
And as I sat in the pub last night and was struck by the realisation that it’s too late now to really do anything about it, I wondered if it mattered. Will I look back on this period and think “My, my, good times, why did I not log them more carefully?” or is this just the prelude to something greater? Is this pre-fatherhood period a journey in itself, or just a means to get to a screaming little destination?
But then maybe these are just the last few moments of “freedom” before the great responsibility arrives ((a responsibility which, I have no hesitation in adding, I relish with open arms)) and by focussing on *thinking* and *doing*, rather than *recording*, I am doing **exactly the right thing**.
So, in conclusion, I guess I could have fed you anecdotes and insights and all sorts of nuggets that would allow me to look back on this period with clarity and accuracy, but you know what? I’ve been busy.
Looking into the future, babies rapidly grow into children and then into sullen teenagers and then into parents themselves. Though the ultimate destination is significant (basically the continued existence of the human race), the journey is undoubtedly of great importance. I will be watching the creature develop and pass milestones, from the small (his first smile!) to the medium (his first words!) to the huge (his first hangover!). People often say “I wish that I’d taken more photos” when they realise that once the baby hit 2 years old, they fell out of the habit and allowed its development to go undocumented for years after that.
Now, I’m not one of those people who feels that everything needs to be documented (oh, you noticed?) because more than once I’ve ruined a good day out by spending the whole time staring at the LCD of a digital camera. But there are some things that you only get one shot at. Maybe in 20 years it will all still be crystal clear in my head, but I doubt it. It’s more likely that I’ll regret the gaps in the documented history, and I’ll wish that I’d taken five minutes every few months to get out the camera, wave Yellowphant in front of the child, and capture one of those moments of a youthfulness that will be all-too-quickly demolished by the cruelties of the world.
Leading the field in the garden, this guy shows the rest how it is done. Some rather pathetic-looking marigold stalks reply "Well, we’d be doing much better too, were it not for all these bloody slugs."
Thought For The Day
**When** driving along a busy main road and you encounter a stationary queue of cars coming from the opposite direction, created by someone who is waiting to turn right into a side street (across your bow), it **is** considered good manners to slow down, flash your lights ((yes, yes, technically illegal, I know)) and allow them to turn in front of you.
**However**, you should check your mirror first. Because if, against all odds, there is actually nobody behind you for, oooh, a hundred metres, you **will** think to yourself “Hmmm, I look like a **fool**.”
More Recent Listening
It’s been a few months (about three of them, I think), so here’s some stuff that I’ve been listening to lately.
**Takk** by *Sigur Rós*
This is a superb listening experience. The first half of the album is fluid and seamless. I don’t want to use the word repetitive, because of the negative connotations, so suffice to say that it is perfect ambient or background music. I have suggested to Karen that we should be playing this kind of thing to the unborn child for the benefit of its soothing, lullaby-like effects. Not the lullabys of open fires and rocking chairs, but of icebergs and penguins.
Whereas the first half has an underlying dynamic to it, the individual tracks in the second half seem to have their own individual lifecycle, each particular song standing more on its own. There is also more variation within this second half, some of the songs feeling a little louder, heavier, threatening.
I accept that for many people, this album will seem a bit nothingy. But they are clearly idiots.
**Clor** by *Clor*
Clor have split up already, but not before leaving us with this. It’s a mesh of punk and pop and techno with a homemadeness that all adds up to something unlike anything else. I was originally turned onto them when I saw their performance at the Reading festival last year, and was left open-mouthed at the originality of the concept and the grooviness of the basslines. After having listened to the album many, many times, I also have to say that it is startlingly high on singalongability. Phrases like “Our pockets, full of little miracles” wedge themselves in your brain and demand your assistance. Short keyboard riffs are scattered throughout, catchy little melodies that make each individual song instantly recognisable.
The last few years have been a barrage of fabulous debut albums from British bands, with follow-up albums being inevitably delayed or disappointing (see The Zutons, below). Clor are one of the few bands that I think could have had enough mileage for a second album. Sadly, we’ll never know.
**Tired Of Hanging Around** by *The Zutons*
Gah, it’s Franz Ferdinand all over again. Who Killed The Zutons was a great album, but they seem to have lost all the quirkiness that made it interesting, perhaps in an attempt to appeal to the mainstream. There are a couple of catchy numbers – Oh Stacey and Valerie are infectious – but it’s a forgettable experience overall. Which is a shame, because I’ve already bought tickets to one of their shows.
**The Life Pursuit** by *Belle And Sebastian*
Belle And Sebastian have really grown up in the 9 years that I’ve been listening to them. If you had told me that they would ditch their tweeness and develop their sound into nigh-on danceable pop music, I’d laugh at you and tug your eyebrows ((why not)). It’s sounding very good after two listens. Whether it will stand the test of time or not, we shall see.
Certainly, they deserve brownie points for having the guts to adapt their style. Many bands operate like a business, churning out the same stuff over and over again in order to keep their existing fans happy, rather than poking into new genres as their fancy takes them. In fact, I think there should be a law that states that after recording an album of (say, for the sake of argument) guitar-based soft rock, the band in question are forbidden from recording any more albums of said guitar-based soft rock. Keep the gene pool fresh.
**Eyes Open** by *Snow Patrol*
Lots of people like them. Lots of people whose opinions I respect. And so I feel a little bad for not liking them all that much. Maybe one day I’ll have a revelation and start liking them, but for now I just feel indifference. If the randomiser puts this album on then I probably won’t skip it straight away, but I can’t see myself ever selecting it deliberately. A little too formulaic, perhaps?
**From The Cliffs** by *Guillemots*
For a little while, I thought that Guillemots were my new favourite band, but upon closer inspection they have only recorded two songs that really blow me away. Trains To Brazil and Made Up Lovesong #43 are absolutely amazing, but the rest of the songs on this EP sound like the simply-fabulous Rufus Wainwright having an off day.
**3121** by *Prince*
TAFKATAFKAP has these occasional flashes of brilliance which make me want to like him. But then I discover that I just can’t listen to an entire album of it. My ears just glaze over and I find my attention wanders to other things, more mentally stimulating things. If I were to write blah blah blah blah blah a few hundred times, you’d just skip to the end of this paragraph and read the review of the Jack Johnson album, and you’d be right to. See the parallel that I am attempting to draw?
**In Between Dreams** by *Jack Johnson*
This guy makes a guitar sound great. Not in a Jimi Hendrix way, I hasten to add (in case you had got completely the wrong impression, right off the bat), but by reminding us that less is sometimes more. When everything is feeling unnecessarily complex, it takes something like this album to remind you that piling on too many so-called enhancements and ostensible optimisations will eventually result in an unmaintainable mess. Strip the lot down to its core, and you will sleep much more soundly.
Again, I’ve only actually listened to this a couple of times, so my opinion is still subject to the forces that come into play after that all-important Listen #5.
**Corinne Bailey Rae** by *Corinne Bailey Rae*
Well, now that Mothers Day has passed, we’ll probably never hear from Corinne Bailey Rae again. Bland and unoriginal, I have no idea how she got so famous, the mind boggles. You know when you see a trailer for a movie, and it looks very funny, and so you go to see it? And then you discover that the trailer contained all the funny bits without exception?
Similarly, you know how you saw an advert for this album on the TV, and there were snippets from three songs, and they sounded quite pleasant? Well, that’s it. The rest is filler.
**Eye To The Telescope** by *KT Tunstall*
By contrast, this is surprisingly good. There are a couple of possible filler tracks in the second half, but for the most part each song stands nicely on its own merits without feeling like ideas are being reused. If I had one complaint, I’d suggest that the incredibly catchy choruses are occasionally supported by rather nothingy verses.
I’m going to stick my neck out a bit and venture that I also rather like her voice. Much like you, I hear hundreds of new singing voices each year, and most of them just sound like a vehicle for the lyrics ((heheheh, I’m reminded of the beautiful line in An Open Letter To The Lyrical Trainspotter by Mansun, which contradicts my point entirely: The lyrics aren’t supposed to mean that much, they’re just a vehicle for a lovely voice.)), but I can get quite enthusiastic about Katie’s. I can’t explain it.
It took me over a year to finally get round to giving her a chance. I’m glad that I did. Again, I haven’t yet reached Listen #5 with this one, but I’m quietly confident.
*The sun had long since set, I was driving over a bridge,
She suddenly came into view, her thumb up for a lift.
I brought the car to a sudden halt, from behind I heard a beep,
And just one minute later she was in the passenger seat.*
*I’d offered her a lift, as previously stated,
As her direction and my own approximately correlated.
Two minutes down the road, things went a bit downhill,
When she produced a hefty knife, and this made me feel quite ill.*
*Now I am in pieces and not in the metaphorical sense,
She’s kept my hand as a souvenir and chucked the rest over a fence
And my car is in a canyon in a very remote place
And my girlfriend will be worried because I’m not usually late.*
*There’s a rat or mouse chewing on my ear, it tickles quite a bit.
Well, it would if I were still alive, right now I can’t feel shit.
I can’t hear any traffic, and it looks like it might snow.
Despite what you might think, it wasn’t such a bad way to go.*
I installed a water butt last week to see if I could make the world a better place. It’s been exciting.
The first hurdle was the unavailability of a proper stand. We were informed by a Customer Services Representative at Pimp Your Garden PLC that this was due to a huge demand for water butts. Sankey, who manufacture water butts, had basically shifted their production facility from a 50/50 split to put more emphasis on butts, and less on accessories. Fair enough.
We purchased the butt and then went off on a stand-hunt. In a nearby garden centre, we found no stands, but we did find a rather cute little slimline butt that we would have bought, were it not for the fact that we already had a butt in our boot and we couldn’t be bothered to return it. So we bought a cheap terracotta pot instead, which we could turn upside-down for use as a stand.
**UPDATE:** *Found a proper stand at a different store. I’m much happier overall, but with the new stand the butt can’t get as close to the wall. I will need to hack the downpipe a bit more.*
We brought the butt home and I set to work cutting a hole in the top for the downpipe. At this point it struck me that I’d need to divert the downpipe away from the wall. By now I was sick of thinking about butts, so I put the project on hiatus until the following weekend.
It is very very late on a Tuesday night. Karen and I are lying in bed, in the dark. [Yellowphant][] is dozing, but he is the only one.
Karen: *I’m hungry.*
Me: *Hey, me too!*
Karen: *Let’s eat!*
We leapt out of bed and dashed down to the kitchen.
Karen: *What shall we have?*
Me: *What have we got?*
Karen: *Jam!*
Me: *Yay!*