I’ve been sitting on something incredibly exciting for a few weeks now, but it’s finally come to fruition and I am confident that it can be disclosed to the public, without fear of looking like a dickhead later.
I have at last joined the echelons of bloggers-with-book-deals! It initially came as a huge surprise – after all, it’s usually the bloggers with tales of tawdry sexual exploits, or those who have lost their jobs as a direct result of having a blog, who get the book deals. I never considered for a moment that people would want to pay actual real money to read what I write, but clearly such self-deprecation was unfounded.
I’m not going to be giving up the day job just yet, which will mean that finding time to fit everything in is going to be a bit of a challenge. Still, you have to give these things a go, eh?
The book is to be called *The Curse Of Heron Peninsula*, though obviously this is subject to change.
8 replies on “Good news, everyone!”
Dude! Brilliant news. Well done.
Good stuff!
But tell me again tomorrow, just in case…
Super awesome news. Go you.
Can we pre-order on Amazon yet?
Heh. Oh dear.
I didn’t think for a second that anyone would fall for this. But I’m very flattered that you did. Maybe *The Curse Of Heron Peninsula* isn’t such a foolish idea…
You little tease.
Twice as funny when you read it on the 5th April and don’t spot the date…
ya bugger